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From The Desk Of:

Michelle Sorsen, CEO

May is National Walking Month.

Health and Exercise! Something that most people don’t want to visit about. Are you struggling? I know I am. Every day I have these great intentions of just 20 minutes today. Then, guess what? I hit the recliner and fall asleep because of stress and exhaustion. I always know that just a short walk will help change my health for the better. I have a challenge for our team. Let’s start a log personally on how far we have walked in the month of May. Let’s work together and make changes that will benefit ourselves and our families.

What are the benefits of walking, you ask and why should I do it? I will list the benefits but personally, you have to ask yourself after reading the list how will this benefit me?

  1. Improve your mood
  2. Burn calories and maintain a healthy weight
  3. Reduce your risk of chronic diseases
  4. Live longer
  5. Boost your brainpower
  6. Alleviate joint pain
  7. Delay the onset of varicose veins
  8. Stimulate your digestive system
  9. Enhance creativity
  10. Improve your sleep

Let’s challenge each other and treat our bodies right by walking every day.

Set up daily goals and reminders, and don’t forget to listen to music when you walk!

In Our Community

Career Opportunities


We are always looking for caregivers who truly love what they do. Our caregivers are the heart of what we do, and we think of them as family. Join our team and make a difference in the life of someone in your community today!

Employee Spotlight:

Felicia Bushhousen, Site Coordinator

How do you spend your time outside of work?
“I love spending time with my family and friends doing things such as camping, having barbecues, or going to the lake.”

Are you bingeing any shows?
“Dateline. I like anything that involves mystery and suspense.”

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something what would it be?
“Anything involving the human body. I think it is fascinating what our body and brains are capable of.”

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
“When I’m not at work, my husband and I help run a non-profit that works with abused children.”

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?
“I like to relax in a nice hot bath to unwind.”

Do you have a hidden talent?

If you had to pick one age to be forever, which age would you choose?
“30. I was old enough to know better and young enough to have the energy to do things that wear me out now.”

Why did you choose Caring Friends?
“I wanted to work with people to make their lives better. I love what Caring Friends stands for. I also love how amazing they treat clients and staff.”

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